Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Attractions Pok Tunggal Beach

Indonesia Tourism Attractions Pok Tunggal Beach -

Pok Tunggal Beach attractions - Pok Tunggal Beach is one of the beaches attractions Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta is famous for its natural beauty with white sand that is clean.

Turkish Attractions Pok Tunggal is about 50 kilometers from Wonosari and take about two hours if through the city center. single pok beach itself began officially became a tourist beach in May 2012.

appoint Pok Tunggal itself is a gift of local residents on beach because the beach area, there is a large tree that is now still holds that are considered by local people is a sacred tree and the tree which is characteristic and is unique to Pok Tunggal beach .
In addition, the potential of Turkey Pok Tunggal is a gently sloping beach with white sand can be used for sports activities on the beach, from beach volleyball, cliffs treking, spectacular sunset, dinner romantic on the beach, fish and grilled lobster party, stay on the beach with tents and many other activities.

Meanwhile, for visitors who want to stay on Turkish Attractions Pok Tunggal to? overnight rates range from Rp. 0,000 that already includes food and accommodation facilities are complete.

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